T.A.P. into your potential with the

Culture Compatibility Test

The Culture Compatibility Test is not a personality test. Personality constantly changes with every new experience, so mapping personality is a moving target with short-term results at best. The Culture Compatibility Test identifies your knowledge filter—how your brain prioritizes information and creates meaning. People tend to have the same knowledge filter for their entire life. Consequently, the Culture Compatibility Test offers results with long-term accuracy and lifetime value. It provides deep insights into three key areas that define how you interact with the world around you and socialize with others.

Your Title reflects your natural behavioral archetype—the tendencies you consistently exhibit in your actions and decisions. Titles like “The CEO” highlight a strong inclination toward leadership, innovation, and charting new paths. On the other hand, titles like “The Sheriff” indicate a stabilizing force, focused on maintaining order, ensuring compliance, and preserving the cultural integrity of a group or organization.

By identifying your Title, you can:

  • Understand the behavioral patterns you tend to repeat again and again.

  • Assess whether these patterns align with the demands of a specific role or the culture of a team.

  • Ensure compatibility between your natural tendencies and your professional or personal goals.

T - Title

Your Ability defines how you process and prioritize information. This is your knowledge filter for discerning knowledge and truth. Some individuals naturally prioritize explicit, rule-based knowledge while others rely more on tacit knowledge such as intuition or ‘street smarts'.

For leaders, this filter also defines their team’s culture, determining what’s emphasized and valued in collaborative work - and what’s not. With the Culture Compatibility Test, you can:

  • Identify your knowledge filter and its influence on your decision-making.

  • Map the cultural dynamics of your team with THE HACK’s ‘culture mapping’ service.

  • Bridge gaps and resolve the endless conflict caused by mismatched or incompatible knowledge filters within a group.

a - ability

This is how you create value. In this context, Profit refers to social capital—the net value of your interactions with others. Imagine a spreadsheet with every person you know listed in the far-left column. And to the right of each name, a series of + and – signs representing your positive and negative interactions with that person. Each + indicates a deposit into your social capital bank account with that person, while a – represents a withdrawal.

The Culture Compatibility Test helps you:

  • Discover the high- and low-functioning behavior patterns specific to your type.

  • Maximize your social capital deposits by consistently engaging in higher-functioning actions.

  • Avoid behaviors that lead to withdrawals, fostering stronger relationships.

p - profit

All 18 types are represented by a unique Mascot that offers insights into how you, and others, are likely to respond in moments of conflict - making these challenging moments easier to handle for everyone. The Mascots also reveal compatibility patterns between types, providing a practical tool for improving interpersonal interactions on the fly.

With the T.A.P. Mascots, you can:

  • Anticipate reactions and navigate difficult conversations with far less frustration.

  • Approach new connections with confidence, knowing in advance how they're likely to respond.

  • Recognize compatibility patterns in others, offering guidance for building stronger, more harmonious relationships.

t.a.p. mascots

test results include:

  • Culture Fit Rubric: outlines how primary culture types operate and align

  • T.A.P. Mascot: reveals compatibility patterns and conflict response tendencies

  • Knowledge Filter: identifies how information is naturally filtered & prioritized

  • Long-Term Behavior Patterns: high- and low-functioning tendencies

  • Transformation Recipe: strategies to transform toxicity to productivity

  • Natural Motivators: ensure alignment of self-interests with team success targets

  • Social Capital Exchange: strategies for transforming workplace relationships

  • Co-Working Playbook: practical tools for collaborating more effectively

10+ Page profile

Ready to discover your type?

Schedule your Culture Compatibility Test today!